Friday, March 30, 2012

1 Clip is Burning For You

Ventured into the world of effects the other day and came up with this pretty cool film burn.  Normally you would overlay this on whatever video you are working on to give it that old, torn look.  Past the break I also have a preview video I created using this burn effect and one of my stock video clips with a little motion blur applied to it.

You can preview and download the clip by clicking "read more" below.  Happy Downloading!

An image special effect that depicts film burn.  Can be used to degrade the quality of your video

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  1. Exatly..What kind of mask did you use for the example. I think it's not immediatly effect!
    Thanks anyway! ;)

    1. Francesco,

      I applied it using an overlay. In Premiere it is selectable as a blend mode in the clip's opacity settings. This bypasses the black and did kind of a "burn in" to the footage. For the example I also applied a slight "frame shake" preset. Hope this helps!
